Raceway started as a single, family run gas station in Highland Park, NJ in 1977. At a time when large oil companies dominated the retail gasoline market, consumers were left with little choice but to pay high prices and accept deteriorating service.

Parlin,NJ - One of the first Raceway Stations.
Raceway saw this as an opportunity for an independently branded gasoline station to provide consumers with another option; High quality service at lower prices than the Major Oil Companies. This simple concept quickly caught on and Raceway quickly expanded its operations to become the market leader in Central New Jersey. As competition became more intense, customers began looking for qualities in the independent sector that had previously only been expected of major oil companies. Maintaining bright, clean facilities, as well as offering fast, friendly service became necessities for success in the retail gasoline market. Raceway met and exceeded these expectations and as a result the Raceway name has become synonymous with high quality gasoline at state of the art facilities, while maintaining its’ original goal of high quality service at the lowest prices available.
It is no secret that people nowadays are working harder than ever. High costs of living have forced most families to rely on two incomes, or at least work more hours than ever before. As a result, time has become our most precious commodity. Items such as coffee, newspapers, cigarettes, and dairy products have become staples in any successful convenience operation. Raceway has met this demand with the creation of its Racemart convenience stores. As was its strategy with gasoline, Racemart offers quality products, in clean, bright facilities, at the lowest prices available.

Angelo Kambitsis,
founding father of Raceway,
shown in front of the Highland Park Raceway during rebuild, and inside the completed Highland Park location.
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